The Gospel - God's "Good News"

An American hymnwriter, Maud Frazer Jackson, who lived from 1873 to 1950 wrote these lovely lines in a hymn..

"Tis a true and faithful saying, Jesus died for sinful men; 
Though we've told the story often, we must tell it o'er again.

Oh glad and glorious Gospel! With joy we now proclaim
A full and free salvation, through faith in Jesus' Name."

A famous Bible verse is sometimes said to contain the Gospel "in a nutshell".........

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish 
but have Everlasting Life." - John chapter 3 verse 16.

SUNDAY  29 September '24  Speaker: Stephen Hutt, Perth.    CLICK HERE
Subject: "The Two Thieves crucified beside the Lord Jesus Christ."
Scripture Reading:  Luke chapter  23 verses  32-34, 39 - 43.  

Some more Gospel message - originally preached at other times and different places for you to listen to...just click on the link.

(if you've any questions or need further help, then e-mail us at the e-mail link at the bottom of the page.
if you've been listening in and helped by these messages - then let us know .... click on the e-mail button at the bottom
of the page and send us a message).

 "The Love of God"
  Ephesians chapter 3 verses 17 - 18.

                   - Euan Munro.                   CLICK HERE

 "Hearing the Voice of God"
   John chapter 5 verses 24 - 25.

                 - Andrew De Ville.       CLICK HERE

 "John chapter 3 verse 16"

                   - Blair Martin.                   CLICK HERE

 "The Cross" 
    John chapter 19 verses 16 - 18.

                 - Gareth Edwards.        CLICK HERE

 "The Sufferings of Christ"
    Isaiah 53 verses 1 - 12.

                   - Craig Munro.                   CLICK HERE

 "Faith in Christ"
    Acts chapter 24 verses 24 - 27.

                 - Stephen Grant.          CLICK HERE